Iranian Saffron Market

Iran is the largest producer and exporter of the most expensive Spices around the world.Today, this sort of Market from Iran is not working in a suitable situation which all supply chain members face difficult challenges and limitations.

In fact, these problems  put pressure in to the key players in this market:

1)farmers 2)exporters


a bout Farmers which face main barriers.The First obstacle is that,they used to pay a high payments for Saffron cultivation, harvesting and more imortantly for removing stigma from steel. second one, their productions are more than the Market demands . For example, Saffron 2019crop was estimated around 600tons but it exported only about 320 tons. Finally, these factors caused them they never to give their fair rights.


On the other Side , the exporters,who have faced with serious problems like Covid-19 pandemic break out around world specially in the most export destinations like as West Europe, Middle East And East Asia. Second one, hardly return foreign currency back to Iranian’s central Bank for passing export obligations. Third, Heavy tariffs are imposed on Iranian exporters like China and India for Iranian Saffron. At the end, the most important factors is Saffron price which fluctuates daily is because of exporters that they don’t have enough budget to buy large amounts of Saffron products particularly when new crop arrives.

Iranian Saffron Market
Iranian Saffron Market