Saffron price Christmas 2022


Iranian Saffron price increase between %3 and %5  these days in local market nearly Christmas event.



In fact, Iran economy face with shock in currency rate these days.This factor effect specifically supply side of Saffron production(Farmers and plants) to motivate them change their price.

Although,Iran new crop production %30 percent more than last year which is around 320 to 350 tons but current price looks really unpleasant for farmers .



In fact,You can know our special offer in Christmas event.


If you interest to know more about last market news,please read below Text.


Iranian Saffron price has been fixed since 10 days ago.



In fact, Producers offer least new crop price but on the other side, farmers resistance to sell their by present market price.



In my opinion, there is nice opportunity to supply your demand.

Please feel free to contact us.